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Welcome to the CSS & JavaScript Toolbox (CJT) WordPress plugin changelog, where you will find all the releases including what was changed, enhanced or fixed. Scroll down to the very beginnings with CJT Pro version 6.0 released on the 7th February, 2013.


Released: 18th August 2014

  • Add: Ability to Export and Import CJT Units (Blocks, Templates and Packages) through a Package file.
  • Add: Export and Import all data Tool as default Tool.


Released: 6th May 2014

  • Enhance: CJT Shortcodes List button upgrade as for Wodpress 3.9 incompatibility.
  • Enhance: WordPress 3.9 Dashboard Menu visible while CJT block is in Full-Screen mode.
  • Enhance: Code Blocks disappeared after upgrading to WordPress 3.9 and sever running PHP >= 5.5.
  • Fix: URLs and Expressions text boxes truncated when switch between ‘Assigned only’ and ‘All’ Assignment Panel switchers.
  • Fix: WordPress shows upgrade notification while there is real update available.
  • Fix: Some Users cannot save their code blocks after upgraded from the latest Community Edition to CJT Version >= 7.0
  • Fix: Broken header links.


Released: 16th March 2014

  • Fix: Deleting a Block associated with (and currently displaying) the Menu/CodeFile Manager, breaks the Menu/CodeFile Manager for other Blocks.


Released: 13th March 2014

  • Enhance: Turns CJT Code Block into a tiny project that hosts multiple managed code files instead of just one.
  • Enhance: No need to create a block for each language type and assign them to the same WordPress Page. One block with multiple code files solves that, by creating only one block for each assigned request.
  • Enhance: Code files support Language Type, Code, Description and Tag fields.
  • Enhance: Any number of code files can be created.
  • Enhance: Write design-time organised code by separating them into files (JS, CSS, PHP, HTML) and CJT will merge them all at run-time.
  • Enhance: There is no need to write <script>, <style> or <?php ?> tags when writing JavaScript, CSS or PHP codes. Each code file is assigned a language type that CJT would handle.
  • Enhance: Control is to write the <script>, <style> or <?php ?> tags by modifying code file Tag field.
  • Enhance: Automatically change code editor language to current active code file language.
  • Enhance: Manage code files without leaving the block page.
  • Enhance: Block revision is now created based on the current active code file. Therefore each code file has its own revisions.
  • Enhance: Multiple authors can work on the same block at the same time by working on different code files.
  • Enhance: Add multiple code files to CJT Packages.
  • Enhance: Block File, Edit and View Menus.
  • Enhance: Use Load Local, Load URL and Reload to load block code from Local File, URL and Reload from server respectively.
  • Enhance: Save/Download code block and current active code file.
  • Enhance: Undo, Redo, Find, Find Next, Find Previous, Replace, Goto Line, Goto Line Up, Goto Line Down, Goto Next Error, Goto Previous Error, Fold, Fold All, UnFold, UnFold All, To Lower Case and To Upper Case edit menu functions added.
  • Enhance: Settings Edit Menu item for fully customisable code editor fonts, Show/Hide Print Margin, Keybinding Methods, Show/Hide Scroll, Scroll Speed, Readonly, Show/Hide Gutter, Tab Size, New Line Mode and much more!
  • Enhance: Show/Hide StatusBar via View StatusBar Menu.
  • Enhance: CJT website now supports full documentation tutorials that explain many internal features/possibilities that can be achieved by CJT.


Released: 14th February 2014

  • Enhance: Processing and Memory optimisation for better performance.
  • Enhance: Block Box Themes Support.
  • Enhance: 32 Themes is now supported to be applied for the whole block box.
  • Enhance: Applying theme per browser. Allow for assigning appropriate theme for different devices.
  • Enhance: Assigned/All mode switcher for assignment panel list. You can show all items even not selected ones or show only assigned to the block.
  • Enhance: Bullet-Proof Assignment Panel layout so it would always reserved even if another Plugin wrongly load jQuery TABS/ACCORDION Styles.
  • Enhance: General UI enhancements.
  • Enhance: Code editor enhancements.
  • Fix: Assignment Panel Pagination Icon position fixed for Safari Browsers.
  • Fix: Many blocks created cause browser to crach. Now as long as Blocks is kept closed, hundreds of blocks will be loaded.


Released: 27th January 2014

  • Enhance: UI Compatibility for WordPress >= 3.8


Released: 29th November 2013

  • Enhance: Shortcode Parameters Form is now displaying the package help text (instruction/usage along with the parameters form).
  • Fix: Break WordPress frontend page pagination by issuing 301 redirect.


Released: 23rd November 2013

  • Add: Packages Manager – Shortcode parameters form.


Released: 4th November 2013

  • Fix: Validate block name when editing and adding blocks.
  • Fix: Code Blocks is not being applied on WPEngine servers and other servers related to the MYSQL query error.
  • Fix: Load block code one time after its first time opened as it was loaded every time the block is opened.
  • Fix: Installer doesn’t install jQuery as CJT template — a result of WordPress being use jQuery 1.10.
  • Fix: Pressing Enter for updating block-name while there is only block exists casue a full reload of the blocks page.
  • Enhance: Show User-PHP code errors only when WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE.
  • Enhance: Auto-Size edit-block-name text field to fit the current block-name, therefor display the name without the need of moving the cursor to the end.
  • Enhance: Disable new-block form fields while saving prevent user from duplicating block when traffic is slow.


Released: 29th September 2013

  • Enhance: Initially don’t load Block assignment panel items: Speed up Blocks page loading time when it’s initially opened, also affect the browser performance as the items is not loaded or rendered before its required.
  • Enhance: Initially don’t load Block code for the closed/minimized Blocks: Loading those Blocks will be done through AJAX once the Block is opened by user.
  • Enhance: The ability to ‘Cancel’ revision mode and get back to the normal mode without refreshing the whole page.
  • Update: Animate Block ‘Save’ button for not-saved Blocks.
  • Update: The Assignment-Panel is now Loads the assigned items only when enter the revision and backup modes.
  • Update: Set assignment-Panel Advanced-TAB as the default active TAB.
  • Add: Few helper links to the CJT offical website at the top of the Blocks page.
  • Fix: Block ‘Save’ and ‘Save All Changes’ buttons are stay enabled after updating Block Assignment-Panel items and revert them back again. The buttons is enabled even if the Block content has not been changed.

Released: 7th June 2013

  • Fix: Add version 6.0.14 CE upgrader.
  • Fix: Failed to work with non-ascii (e.g Arabic) characters.
  • Enhance: Uninstaller is now configurable so that admin can specify the actions to take while uninstalling the Plugin.

Released: 27th May 2013

  • Enhance: Set package raw file view content alignment to left so it can be readable when viewing readme file, however it’s done for license too.
  • Enhance: Initialize package raw file viewer window to have 700 pixels for width, 500 pixels for height and initially 160 pixels from left.
  • Enhance: Display readme and license without allowing HTML tags being injected therefor allow demonstrating HTML examples inside the readme files.


Released: 23rd May 2013

  • Add: Allow bundling out template images along with the package.
  • Add: Accept Shortcode parameters and segments. Provide PHP framework for code blocks to define, validate and reading Shortcode parameters.
  • Add: Build up a BETA framework for interacting with the request and other CJT objects (dynamically loading template/theme).
  • Enhance: Embedded Shortcode with its closing tag as the Shortcode content is now being used by the handler blocks.
  • Enhance: Load Shortcode linked CSS templates using dynamic creating of link tag using Javascript instead of auto-embedding in the server side. So now linked CSS templates would have link tag even if its linked in the footer (through Shortcode).
  • Enhance: Revert block Shortcode ‘force’ parameter default value to ‘true’ therefore allow using multiple Shortcode for the same block without setting ‘force’ attribute.


Released: 8th May 2013

  • Fix: PHP code is not executed when delegating block using its Shortcode
  • Fix: Linked CSS template has no effect when block is delegated using its Shortcode
  • Fix: Hijack WordPress Plugins page whenever a Plugin is activated or deactivated
  • Enhancement: Using block name instead of ID when using Shortcodes
  • Add: Ability to link PHP and HTML templates
  • Add: Allow of editing template from templates lookup form
  • Add: Link external (BETA)
  • Add: Packages Management System (BETA)


Released: 4th April 2013

  • Fix: List only Public Custom Posts that can be accessed through WordPress URL under Assignment Panel Custom Posts Tab. Therefor enhance performance for sites that has ‘Log’ custom post that might has hundreds or records read for every code block
  • Fix: For Settings->Metabox settings form section, list only Posts that has a Public Access and Administrator User Interface
  • Fix: ‘Undefined index “post”‘ Notice displayed when ‘Adding New Post’ while PHP in debug mode (E_NOTICE is set)


Released: 29th March 2013

  • Fix: Couldn’t uncheck all Post types under Settings:Metabox Tab!
  • Fix: Add PHP worker for ACE Editor as it was missing
  • Fix: Installer operations state is cleared after the install/upgrade is interrupted, cause the repeats/re-executes of the install/upgrade operations
  • Enhancement: Suppress PHP errors displayed under STRICT PHP configuration like PHP >= 5.4.x and therefor boost performance, increase result and security reliability!


Released: 25th March 2013

  • Enhancement: Don’t show ‘site’ side error message when invalid regular expression is supplied by the admin
  • Fix: Textarea HTML tag break down the block code!


Released: 24th March 2013

  • Fix: Upgrade version 0.8 missing operations issue
  • Fix: User error is not being displayed if the upgrade/downgrade agent is not exists
  • Fix: Extra slash added to template code when magic_quote_gpc is turned On!
  • Enhancement: E_ALL complain! Suppress PHP notices when WP_DEBUG is set to true


Released: 21st March 2013

  • Fix: E_ALL complain! Suppress all the notices when WP_DEBUG set to true, allow better development, fast performance and error handling
  • Fix: Conflict with other Plugins as sharing the same query string parameters!
  • Fix: Don’t break down the site if manual upgrade/downgrage process is incompleted! Allow user to revert back manually or disable the Plugin
  • Fix: Don’t allow installation if the upgrade/downgrade version is not supported
  • Added: Support for upgrade from version 6.0 CE

Released: 18th February 2013

  • Upgrade ACE Editor from version 0.2.0 to 1.0.0
  • Fix all Template Types is being decrypted when retrieved. Only PHP template is now decrypted!

Released: 15th February 2013

  • Improve PHP execution compatibility under different PHP configuration
  • Adding more security to ALL requests that can be made to CJT through AJAX or directly from user interactions to allow only ‘administrators’ to take actions
  • Fixing Block ‘Assignment Panel’ not correctly displayed when opening through Chrome browser under height screen resolution
  • Encrypting and Hiding PHP template files so it cannot be accessed/read/executed by public/foreign users requests
  • Fix saving order issue after adding new block without pressing ‘save all changed’ button
  • Add uninstaller to wipe out all CJT Blocks user data!
  • Fix CREATE and DELETE CJT-Blocks Metaboxes for WordPress Posts that may occurred if there is a conflict with other Plugins


Released: 7th February 2013

  • Initial CJT Pro release