Category: Scripts
This is the place that contains all of the CJT Script Plugin support posts. Script Plugins are both premium and free scripts that work with CJT to make your website more feature-rich. Whenever a script plugin post has been created, this will appear in the CJT dashboard widget, which can be viewed by thousands of CSS & JavaScript Toolbox users.
CJT Script Plugins are ‘real’ WordPress plugins, which simply means, they can be uploaded using the standard WordPress Plugins uploader. They work in combination with CSS & JavaScript Toolbox so this plugin must be installed and activated first for the scripts to run. Some Script Plugins have been developed by us, whilst others have been developed by different authors from all over the world. Since these scripts are based on the open-source GPL/MIT licensing model, all copyright and license information are strictly respected, followed and kept intact. Also where applicable, the name and website of the script authors are promoted. If you find the script useful, please show your appreciation by visiting the script author and drop a donation or compliment.