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Global Code Blocks

The Global Code Blocks is a user-friendly and powerful tool that empowers you to easily add custom CSS and JavaScript code to your WordPress website's <head> and <body> sections. This ease of use is particularly useful for applying global styles or loading custom scripts that need to be available site-wide, inserting snippets that need to be loaded at the beginning of the page & more. This plugin provides a convenient and efficient way to manage your website's custom CSS and JavaScript, making it a valuable tool for WordPress developers and website owners.

Centralized Code Management

Instead of modifying your theme files or plugins directly, you can manage all your global CSS and JavaScript code in a single, centralized location.

Efficient Debugging

When making changes to your website's custom code, you can quickly test and debug the updates without modifying the theme or plugin files. This efficient debugging process ensures that you can manage your website's code confidently and without any hassle.

Consistent Application

The plugin allows you to apply global styles and scripts, ensuring that your custom code is consistently applied across your entire WordPress website.

Shortcodes & Metabox Code

This robust set of tools allows you to easily insert custom CSS and JavaScript code into specific areas of your WordPress website using shortcodes and custom meta boxes. The plugin provides a variety of shortcodes that you can use to insert custom CSS and JavaScript code into your content. These shortcodes can be placed directly in your post or page editor, making it easy to apply specific styles or scripts to selected areas of your website. The plugin also includes the ability to create custom meta boxes that can be added to your post, page or custom post-type editor. These meta boxes provide a user-friendly interface for inserting custom CSS and JavaScript code directly into the editor. The meta boxes can be configured to appear on specific post types or pages, giving you granular control over where your custom code is applied. This plugin is a valuable asset for WordPress developers and website owners who need to use custom CSS and JavaScript code for specific areas of their websites.

Targeted Code Insertion

You can apply custom CSS and JavaScript code to specific areas of your website using shortcodes and meta boxes rather than having to modify your theme or plugin files globally.

User-Friendly Interface

The meta box feature allows non-technical users to insert custom code quickly without editing it directly in their content.


The plugin's extensive shortcode and meta box options allow you to precisely control where and how your custom code is applied, making it a versatile tool for website customization.

Code Files

Code Files is a powerful tool that allows you to manage and apply custom CSS and JavaScript files directly to your WordPress website. It gives a streamlined and efficient way to manage and apply your custom CSS and JavaScript files, making it a valuable tool for WordPress developers and website owners who need to customize their website's appearance and functionality. This feature provides a centralized location for storing and utilizing your custom code files, offering several key benefits:

Custom CSS/JavaScript Files

The plugin provides a dedicated section to upload and manage your custom CSS and JavaScript files. These files can be applied to your website using the plugin's settings without directly modifying your theme or plugin files.

File Organization

The Code Files feature allows you to organize your custom CSS and JavaScript files into different categories or folders, making it easier to manage and maintain your codebase as your website grows in complexity.

Enqueue Management

The plugin automatically handles enqueuing your custom CSS and JavaScript files, ensuring they are correctly loaded and integrated into your WordPress website. 

Conditional Loading

You can configure the plugin to load your custom CSS and JavaScript files conditionally based on various criteria, such as the current post type, page template, or user role. This allows for targeted application of your custom code, ensuring it is only loaded where needed.

Versioning and Cache Busting

The plugin automatically appends a version number or timestamp to the file URLs, helping to prevent caching issues and ensure that updates to your custom code are correctly reflected on the frontend.

Code Blocks Tools

The Code Blocks Tools feature of the CSS & JavaScript Toolbox Plus plugin is a collection of utilities and tools that help you manage and work with custom CSS and JavaScript code blocks within your WordPress website. With this tool, you can streamline your custom code management, ensure code quality, and improve your WordPress website's overall development and maintenance.

Code Editor

The plugin provides a built-in code editor that lets you quickly write, edit, and preview your custom CSS and JavaScript code blocks. This editor offers syntax highlighting, code folding, and line numbering to enhance your coding experience.

Code Minification

The plugin can automatically minify your custom CSS and JavaScript code blocks, reducing their file size and improving website performance. This is particularly useful when working with large or complex code snippets.

Code Optimization

Besides minification, the plugin offers optimization features for your custom code, such as removing unnecessary whitespace, optimizing asset URLs, and combining multiple code blocks into a single file.

Code Revisions

The plugin keeps track of revisions for your custom code blocks, allowing you to quickly revert to a previous version. This provides a safety net for your website customizations.

Code Linting

The plugin integrates with popular code linting tools, such as JSHint and CSS Lint, to help you identify and fix potential issues in your custom CSS and JavaScript code. This ensures that your code adheres to best practices and maintains high quality.

Code Formatting

The plugin can automatically format your custom CSS and JavaScript code blocks, applying consistent indentation, spacing, and styling. This helps maintain code readability and makes it easier to collaborate with other developers.

Code Snippets

The plugin includes a library of pre-built code snippets you can easily insert into your custom code blocks. These snippets cover many everyday use cases and can save time when implementing specific functionality.

Editor Tools

This tool is a set of utilities and enhancements that integrate directly into the WordPress content editor, providing a more robust and efficient coding experience. By combining these powerful editing tools directly into the WordPress content editor, the CSS & JavaScript Toolbox Plus plugin enhances the coding experience for developers and content creators, making it easier to customize and maintain your website's appearance and functionality.

Code Editor Integration

The plugin integrates a code editor directly into the WordPress content editor, allowing you to write and edit custom CSS and JavaScript code directly within your posts and pages. This eliminates the need to switch between the visual and text editors.

Syntax Highlighting

The code editor in the plugin provides syntax highlighting for both CSS and JavaScript, making it easier to read and understand your custom code.

Code Folding

The code editor supports code folding, which allows you to collapse and expand sections of your code, making it easier to navigate and focus on specific parts of your custom code.

Line Numbers

The code editor displays line numbers, which can be helpful when debugging or referencing specific parts of your custom code.

Code Completion

The plugin offers code completion suggestions, helping you write code more efficiently by providing context-aware recommendations for CSS properties, JavaScript functions, and more.


The plugin can automatically format your custom CSS and JavaScript code, ensuring consistent indentation, spacing, and styling throughout your content.

Live Preview

The Editor Tools feature provides a live preview functionality, allowing you to directly see the immediate effects of your custom code changes in the content editor.

Code Snippets

The plugin includes a library of pre-built code snippets that you can easily insert into your custom code blocks, saving time and effort when implementing standard functionality.

Templates & Packages

This powerful tool enables you to create, manage, and apply pre-made templates and packages of custom CSS and JavaScript code across your WordPress website. By leveraging the Templates & Packages feature, you can streamline the process of applying consistent branding, design, and functionality across your WordPress website, saving time and ensuring a cohesive user experience.

Custom Templates

The plugin allows you to create and save your custom templates, including a combination of CSS and JavaScript code snippets. These templates can then be applied to your website's specific pages, posts, or custom post types.

Template Library

The plugin has a growing library of pre-built templates that cover many use cases, such as hero sections, call-to-action buttons, image galleries, and more. You can browse, preview, and apply these templates to your website with a few clicks.

Template Packages

In addition to individual templates, the plugin also supports creating and managing template packages. A template package is a collection of related templates that can be applied as a set, allowing you to transform your website's look and feel quickly.

Template Previewing

The plugin provides a live preview functionality, allowing you to see how a template or package will look on your website before applying it. This helps you make informed decisions about which customizations to implement.

Conditional Template Application

The plugin enables you to apply templates and packages conditionally based on factors such as the current post type, page template, user role, or other custom criteria. This ensures that suitable customizations are applied to the right parts of your website.

Template Versioning

The plugin keeps track of version history for your custom templates and packages, allowing you to revert to previous iterations if needed. This provides a safety net for your website customizations.

Template Sharing

The plugin makes it easy to export and share your custom templates and packages with other WordPress users, enabling collaboration and the creation of a shared library of website components.

All in One SEO Features

Create campaigns that react and adapt in real time so you can easily personalize, segment, & target for incredible conversions.

Batch Operation

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Code Syntax Highlighting

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Backup Revision

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Custom Post Support

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Sub Page Category Support

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

URL Expressions

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Code Template Manager

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Template Lookup System

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Package Installer

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Free Script Packages

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

WordPress Installation

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Automatic Updates

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Support Forum Access

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Priority Support

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.

Pipeline Features for CJT Road

There are many batch operations that you can utilise in the master admin toolbar of CJT.