Home Support Support Tickets Can't find sites

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    • #12414

      Hi, I’m new to CJT and strangely enough, I’m stuck at the beginning on the Permissions tab screen. I see nothing in the documentation about this screen, so I’m asking here.

      The page is split in half (one is Sites, the other is Users). Both have an empty text area and an Allow List checkbox. How do I use this screen? When I click the Sites List link, a popup allows me to search, but I cannot seem to get it to locate any of my sites (this is a multisite installation BTW).

      What am I doing wrong, and why isn’t this documented anywhere?

    • #12415

      I found the answer. It turns out that when the site is listed with a http://www.example.com and you only search for example, the site doesn’t appear in the results. You can get it to show up by typing “www”. Strange but true.

    • #12425
      Damian Baker

      Hi Matty,

      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
      Thanks for taking the time to write back and I am glad you found the answer. I will keep what you said in mind for a simple and user-friendly multisite interface as well as better documentation.


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