Home Support Support Tickets css js toolbox plus not showing up after activate

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    • #12881

      Running a fresh install WordPress 4.7.
      Contact form 7 and Infuse Content Blocks are the only other plugins installed.
      After uploading and installing the plugin, it does not show up in the left column toolbar.


    • #12882

      Deleted and re-installed now I’m getting this:

      Endless spinning wheel at: Add WordPress built-in scripts and styles as CJT Templates so it can be used throught Templates Lookup form


      Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array in /……/wp-content/plugins/css-javascript-toolbox/views/installer/install/tmpl/default_operations_list.html.tmpl on line 12

    • #12883
      Damian Baker

      Hi David,

      Sorry about the inconvenience you are experiencing. We only notice this issue when there are security plugins such as BulletProof Security installed. Wordfence Security is installed. Although rare, the issue is often caused by strict security policies in the .htaccess file that needs to be loosened.
      Can you disable all plugins and try again.
      Can you tell me what PHP edition you are running on your server.
      Did you run CJT Free before purchasing?
      The browser cache will need to be cleared if this is the case.

      Damian Baker

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