Home Forums Support Tickets Is there any way to export and import all the snippets of code at once?

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    • #9990

      Hi Damian,

      Is there any way to export and import all the snippets of code at once?

      BTW: thank you for your plugin. I love it.

      Kind regards.

    • #9998
      Damian Baker

      Hi Sylwia,

      Thanks for the nice words, glad you love the plugin.

      As for the export/import feature, this is a feature that we want to implement into CJT Pro and CJT Dev in the near future. We have been getting a lot of requests for a feature like this so this has been escalated to the top of the tasks pipeline. That said, I am sorry but I cannot provide an estimation for when it will be available.

      Kind Regards,

    • #10004

      Hi Damian,

      Thank you for your answer.
      No rush for me. At the moment I can do it directly from database. But it takes time, so I’m looking forward to working with such a feature.

      BTW I have some ready-to-implement proposals regarding possible database inconsistency while WP migrating. Should I insert the proposals here or send them directly to your team?

      Kind regards

    • #10007
      Damian Baker

      Hi Sylwia,

      Yes I understand what you are saying.
      Regarding the proposals, I am happy either way. You are welcome to insert the proposals here if you prefer, else send them to: info@css-javascript-toolbox.com

      Many thanks.

      Kind Regards,

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