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    • #8233
      Antonio Almeida


      Just to say that I discover your plugin 7 days ago and I just bought it yesterday. I’ve started playing with it and it is great to validate forms or add custom code to wordpress themes (instead of hacking functions.php).

      I have a felling you are “one man show” but I really hope you go ahead with this because it is an unique tool and very useful both for non-programmers (like me) and developers.

      In future updates you could even create an addon that could export a wordpress plugin transforming this tool into a product creation tool. AMAZING STUFF!

      I bought Dev License right away to be an early adopter but wasn’t expecting paying in Australian Dolars… Is that on purpose or a “bad” payment configuration? 😉

      best regards,
      Antonio Almeida

    • #8251
      Damian Baker

      Hello Antonio,

      Thanks so much for all the nice words about the CJT plugin. Feedback like this makes it all the worthwhile to keep on developing and adding more features.

      CJT has been designed and coded entirely from the ground up, and it is not a one man show. My esteemed colleague named Ahmed Hamed is a very talented solutions creator and coder. He has brought a great wealth of ideas to the project, with many now implemented in the feature set for CJT. I am more the UI, front-end guy, who loves graphics, icons, ease of use functionality and overall design. It is our teamwork that has created this what we believe is an interesting and very useful solution.

      As for the payment in Australian Dollars or AUD, this was intentionally. I believe you thought it would be in United States Dollars or USD, which most international purchases are based on. But either way if this is the case, you would have saved money due to the exchange rate.

      I guess, we really should state the purchase amount will be in Australian Dollars.

      Thanks again for your encouraging words. We really appreciate it and hope CJT Dev serves you well.
      Stay tuned for more great updates.

      Kind Regards,

    • #10119
      Mark Freedman

      I have to agree. This is easily the most valuable and professionally written and designed WordPress plugin I have used. It has saved me hours in several ways. I just purchased the Dev license, not necessarily because I need it yet, but because I felt you deserved payment for it. Great job!

    • #10121
      Damian Baker

      Hi Mark,

      WOW!!! I am speechless, totally lost for words. This is one of the best feedbacks I have ever received and I am so humbled reading this. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me, and thank you so much for your purchase.

      Kind Regards,

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