Home Support Support Tickets Request facbook like before displaying a page

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    • #10124
      Kelvin Lee

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      I have script to check whether a user has already liked a facebook, how I can apply this to a WordPress page? I want to request the user to like my facebook before I show up the WordPress page with a form? Can I do that using CJT? For example I have page using shortcode [form form-id xx] to show form.

      Best regards,


    • #10125
      Damian Baker

      Hi Kelvin,

      I’m sorry for the delay in responding.
      Unfortunately third party script implementation is really out of scope of CJT Dev support.

      On another note, we are releasing an import/export feature for CJT Pro/Dev soon and that will allow users to share scripts, upload them to the http://www.cjt-scripts.com website and even discuss script implementation. Keep an eye out on this awesome feature.

      Kind Regards,

    • #10126
      Kelvin Lee

      Dear Damian,

      Not asking for third party script implementation, just want to know whether CJT can have conditional execute according to custom variable, just like I can apply the CTJ on specific page, post or URL, but not sure whether it can be applied on the return of the script such as boolean. I suggest developer can code a custom script and return a boolean, then the script can be loaded according to this return.

      Best regards,


    • #10127
      Ahmed Hamed


      No. CJT cannot do that for you.

      CJT Code-Block can be just assigned to a request (page, post, URL, etc…).

      If I understand you correctly I believe the following steps might help you. I’m not sure but I believe the script you wrote for checking Facebook like is in Javascript?

      1. Hide the form using CSS code.
      2. Write Javascript code to call Facebook like checker script.
      3.Show the form or point visitor to like your facebok Based on the return value.

      I might not completely understand you. But CJT Code Blocks is not conditionally executed.

      Please don’t hesitate to ask.


    • #10666
      Kelvin Lee

      Dear AHMeD,

      Yes, your suggestion may be worked. Any idea to the javascript code to check?

      Best regards,


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